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Equitainment Newsletter - 27 November 2012 | |||||
27 Nov 2012 In This Newsletter
NEW BLACK CAVIAR BOOKI'm so sorry for the delay in getting this book in stock, but it is finally on it's way and should be ready to ship by the end of this week.Apparently the publisher shipped to all the major shops first, and the smaller independants (like me) had to wait until the end of the list.The other two Black Caviar books released in the last couple of months seem to be easy to get, but this one has proven more ellusive. Never mind, it's ready to go now and there is still plenty of time to get a copy for Christmas. BLACK CAVIAR: THE HORSE THAT CAPTURED THE HEARTS OF A NATION
NEW FAMILY MOVIE RELEASECOWGIRLS N ANGELS is a lovely new family movie due to be released early in January. I haven't seen it yet, but it's getting rave reviews and should be a beauty. Thank heavens there are few really nice family movies starting to trickle through. Let's hope there are plenty more to comeA young girl goes in search of her lost father, a hero of the rodeo circuit. Instead she discovers The Sweethearts of the Rodeo and longs to become a rodeo trick rider.COWGIRLS N ANGELS -- PRE ORDER NOW
NEW TRAINING BOOKS AND DVDSI've been gradually adding to the new TECHNICAL AND TRAINING section of the website and have some beautiful new books that would make great Christmas presents.One book that is receiving a lot of publicity at the moment is Balancing Act: The Horse in Sport - An Irrevocable Conflict by Dr Gerd Heuschmann. You might remember Dr Heuschmann creating an enormous stir throughout the world a few years ago with his first book Tug of War and DVD If Horses Could Speak. This book points out that, although some steps have been taken in a positive direction, there is still a way to go for many riders.Dressage With Mind Body & Soul by Linda Tellington-Jones is another new release in books. This book shows us powerful new techniques for approaching the Classical Training Scale and using it not only for the betterment of your dressage horse's performance, but also in his overall well-being. TheSEVEN DEADLY SINS OF DRESSAGE by Douglas Puterbaugh and DRESSAGE THE LIGHT WAY by Perry Wood are another couple of notible new releases. I will keep on adding more books over the next few weeks, so make sure you check this new section often. I've also put some more of the training DVD's up live including the best-selling series by Phillipe Karl and some terrific yoga and pilates DVD's with more coming very soon. I just need to find the time to get them loaded! Classical Dressage with Philippe Karl - Part 1 The School of Aids - DVD Classical Dressage by Philippe Karl - Part 2 The School of Gymnastics - DVD Classical Dressage with Philippe Karl - Part 3 The School of Dance - DVD Classical Dressage by Philippe Karl - Part 4 Training Progress One Year Later - DVD Classical Versus Classique with Christoph Hess & Philippe Karl - DVD Movement Awareness for Riders with Eckart Meyners - DVD Nine 9 Pilates Essentials for the Balance Rider with Janice Dulak - DVD Yoga and Riding with Linda Benedik Vol 1: Balance and Symmetry - DVD Yoga and Riding with Linda Benedik Vol 2: Breathing and Relaxation - DVD
ORDER IMPORTED TITLES NOW IN TIME FOR CHRISTMASI've found a new supplier in the USA who I think will be a lot quicker and more efficient than my previous one. I know it's a terrible time of the year to test them, but I'm going to place an order which should arrive here in Australia in about 10 days.I've listed a few of my personal all-time favourites here, but don't forget you do need an All-Region player for imported disks. Check your player manual or Google your make and model, to make sure it plays both NTSC and is All Region before you order.I couldn't resist including GALLANT BESS, the 1946 classic. Not to be confused with the later western movie "The Adventures of Gallant Bess", this one is based on a true story about a horse that came to fame in World War II.NATIONAL VELVET is my very favourite horse movie. No matter how many times I see Velvet Brown and The Pie race in the Grand National, I never fail to get teary. Everyone needs a copy of this DVD. The box set of 4 FILM FAVOURITES is the only way I can order both International Velvet and The Story of Seabiscuit. International Velvet was a 1970's film and starred Tatum O'Neill as Velvet Brown's troubled neice who heads off on an international eventing career. The Story of Seabiscuit is reportedly Shirley Temple's last ever movie and is very sweet. SYLVESTER of course is one of the best eventing movies ever made. Of course it's far fetched and corny, but aren't all good animal movies? This one stars Melissa Gilbert from Little House on the Prairie fame and it's a ripper. And I'm also going to have a go at getting in some more Mr Ed DVD's. He is everyones favourite talking horse and I just wish they were more readily available. I should be able to get the Complete Season 1, the Complete Season 2 and the Complete Season 3 in time for Christmas. If all goes smoothly with this new supplier, I'll start adding more and more imported titles over the next few months.
PS .... SLIGHT INTERNET GLITCHWe were hit last night with one of those amazing Aussie summer storms last night, with lightning hitting a tree just across the road.It was most dramatic to see as the tree exploded into fragments, setting fire to the grass and sending spears of wood in every direction. Luckily it was pouring with rain and the fire couldn't get far.The downside is, it also took out my phones, internet and some of the lights, so I have to wait for Telstra and an electrician to come and make their repairs. I have had the phones diverted to my home phone and I'm typing this newsletter from a local internet cafe, so if I'm a bit slow in answering calls and emails for a couple of days, that is the reason. There are also lots of lollies and chocolates staring at me from the counter in here screaming "eat me, eat me". Oh dear ... I have no will power at all. Jody xxx | |||||
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