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NEW DVD'S - IN STOCK AND COMING SOON - 17 July 2012 | ||||||||
17 Jul 2012 In This Newsletter
COMING SOON ..... THE GREENING OF WHITNEY BROWNI'm so excited that this movie will finally be coming to Australia. I've been keeping my eye on it's production for ages, but despite terrific reveiws it seemed like Australian distributors were overlooking it. Thank heavens it is now on it's way and we can all enjoy a beautiful family movie just in time for Christmas. I think there will be lots of happy faces on Christmas morning when this one is unwrapped.
IN STOCK - HARLEY'S HILL - DVDHarley, a thoroughbred with royal bloodlines, is being groomed to replace his father's success at Willowbrook Farms. Harley's rapid success leads him to new physical challenges.An accident at a competition spooks him and fearing a fate like his father, he runs away. Days later, Harley is found by a rancher and his daughter.Unable to find the owner, they nurture him back to health. Discovering Harley's amazing ability for jumping, the girl includes Harley as her partner in her horse club competitions. Harley's talent is noticed immediately and is claimed by his true owner. Reluctantly the girl gives him up and he returns to Willowbrook Farms. Harley just wants to return to the ranch in the green hills but will he ever get back there. FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE THE HARLEY'S HILL TRAILER OR BUY NOW!
IN STOCK - BLACK BEAUTY DVDThis is the 1972 film version of Black Beauty that starred Mark Lester, the little boy who captured all our hearts in Oliver. It is a terrific horse movie, but doesn't follow the book nearly as closely as the later 1994 version.
COMING SOON - WARRIOR: THE REAL WAR HORSE DOCUMENTARYGalloper Jack Seely and his horse Warrior were one of the most remarkable teams in history.THE MAN: a famed adventurer, Cabinet Minister and close friend of Winston Churchill, who led the Canadian Cavalry in a crucial charge that helped save the Allied cause in March 1918.THE HORSE: a uniquely brave and talented thoroughbred which Seely bred on the Isle of Wight, took to France in August 1914 and was still riding on that fateful day towards the end of the war. In this film Galloper Jack's grandson award winning journalist and broadcaster Brough Scott takes to the saddle to explore the past. Brough's life has included 10 years as a steeplechase jockey, 30 years as main presenter of Channel 4 Racing and a continuing role in racing. But this is the project of which he is most proud. TO WATCH A PREVIEW OR PRE-ORDER WARRIOR: THE REAL WAR HORSE, FOLLOW THIS LINK
IN PRODUCTION - ROYAL KALIBER DOCUMENTARYHere is a new doco that is currently in production based on international showjumper ROYAL KALIBER and the dramas surrounding the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.You might remember some of the contraversy surrounding the 2004 Games, when several horses that were in strong medal contension broke down on an inadequate surface.The stallion was a part of the US Show Jumping Team at the 2004 Athens Olympics, winners of the team silver medal. However, while jumping in the final round of the individual competition, the horse had an awkward landing from the 15th fence on course, a large oxer. His rider, Chris Kappler, felt his mount take an odd step and, with only two fences to go, pulled him up and dismounted. I got all teary just watching the trailer and am doing my best to track down the movie makers and distributors. Keep your fingers crossed that I can find it, as it looks amazing. FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE A TRAILER FOR THE FILM!
IN STOCK - HORSE CRAZY DVDI LOVE this movie. Unlike a lot of the horse movies made for younger children, this one has a great story line and is genuinely entertaining.There are some very funny moments throughout as well. The scene where the children are trying to rope the so called "King of the Wild Mustangs" is hilarious. He has the same long-suffering look on his face that my own horses do when my father is trying to put their headstalls on.Although this movie was made for the littlies, it's terrific for all ages to enjoy. TO SEE A PREVIEW TRAILER OF HORSE CRAZY, FOLLOW THIS LINK
COMING SOON ... HEARTLAND SEASON 4I know we were all so excited that Heartland Season 4 was to be released in the first week of July, however due to some problems in manufacturing, the release date has now been put back to early September.The good news is of course that it is still coming, and I've been assured, that both the Christmas movie and Season 5 will follow in the not too distance future.Season 6 is just about to start screening on Canadian TV and, to the best of my knowledge, there will also be a Season 7. What great news for a TV show that never expected to make it past it's debut season. At least you now have time to catch up on all the earlier season, so you'll be ready to pick up right where Season 3 left off. HEARTLAND -- THE COMPLETE SEASON 1 HEARTLAND -- SEASON 2, PART 1 HEARTLAND -- SEASON 2, PART 2 HEARTLAND -- SEASON 3, PART 1 HEARTLAND -- SEASON 3, PART 2 PRE-ORDER HEARTLAND SEASON 4, PART 1 NOW
FILM OF THE WEEK!This sketch from the fabulous team of French and Saunders is definitely one of my all-time favourites. I am so calling my next horse Peter Pan!WATCH THE FULL FRENCH AND SAUNDERS PONY CLUB SKETCH HERE | ||||||||
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