11 Jul 2009 In This Newsletter
Hi Everyone
There have been a few new releases this month, mostly romance flavour, so there should be plenty to keep the ladies happy for a while.
There are also some new release adult novels that sound great but haven't yet arrived, so keep your eyes open for them on the website. There are about 50 new listings in the Latest Additions on the website at the moment, and more coming in the next few weeks - some lovely NEW children series, NEW sticker books, NEW DVD's and even a lot more in the Used Books sections. Just remember, Equitainment website is updated on nearly a daily basis.
There is also a new adventure/mystery type novel set in the world of Eventing on it's way. It's the debut novel for Lindy Kelly and took the publisher by surprise by completely selling out on the first run. Harper Collins promised me copies in the next run, and I'm expecting them any day now.
One of the new children series on the way is a series for young readers called 'TILLY'S PONY TALES' written by the Bristish superstar eventer, Pippa Funnell. Another new series by Linda Chapman called 'SKY HORSES' which looks similar to her very popular 'MY SECRET UNICORN' books, but this time starring magical horses that live in the clouds. It's down for release in August, so will be a great idea for Christmas.
And for all the lovely people who have been wondering how Chief is going, my most heart-felt thanks for all your care and interest. I can happily report that he is now back in full work with Andrew Inglis at his wonderful new jumping facility north of Sydney and, so far so good. He is still very naughty on occasion, but is extremely well behaved between tantrums. All I can say is "my goodness that Andrew can ride!" How he sticks on, while still staying so soft as a rider, is just amazing!
Chief is off to some jumping competitions in the next couple of weeks and he's promised me he will be good, and I'm going to keep him at his word. NO MORE CARROTS UNLESS YOU BEHAVE! Hopefully I'll have some good news for you next time.
Jody xxx
Young Children's Books
You would be very surprised just how much these Young Children's books sell especially to the young at heart. Teresa goes ga ga over these and especially one called 'HORSE' by Malachy Doyle and I have to say, here I go again raving on about how gorgeous one of the books is, but I really can't help oohing and aahing when a stunning book comes through and this one is no excepetion. It's the sweetest, simple story with the most stunning illustrations I've seen in a long while. A knock-out book for children, but one the adults will want to keep for themselves as well. $16.95. 26 pages. 25 x 30 cms.
Again in the same section - First Readers (New Books - Fiction) is the 'EQUESTRIAN' a Cut-Out Board Book - this book was so popular last year I've re-ordered it and now have plenty in stock again. It is the cutest board book for the littlies, but it's extra special because the book itself is cut into the shape of a young girl. $21.50.
Another great book is 'H IS FOR HORSE: AN EQUESTRIAN ALPHABET' by Mike Ulmer - every child needs an alphabet book and who could want more than a horsey one. This one has a horse-themed poem that continues throughout the story, but also has extra facts on each page relating to the subject of the picture. It's a hard-to-find book and one well worth hanging onto.
Children & Young Adult Books
The latest edition to the very popular 'CHARLOTTE AND THE STARLET' series has just been released called 'HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD', and I know a lot of people will be anxious to read it. It's funny, action packed, AUSTRALIAN, and one of my favourites. In the third instalment, Charlotte, Leila & Miss Strudworth are off to Hollywood to raise money to save Thornton Downs. GREAT READING! $15.95 ea. Young Adult Section.
'PONY CAMP SECRETS' is another top-selling series that more and more readers are discovering and are anxiously waiting for more titles to be released. It's targeted at a slightly young audience (TWEENS) but again, I'm finding it has plenty of fans across the board in all age groups. $14.95 . Children's section.
'ANOTHER KIND OF COWBOY' is an absolute treasure and one that very nearly slipped under the radar. When it came in, I only gave it a quick glance and assumed it was a cowboy romance novel. HOW WRONG I WAS! Cleo is the typical teenage dressage diva, who learns many life-lessons in the special friendship she strikes with Alex. Very realistic and perfect for adult readers, especially if you're involved in the competitive dressage world. Approx 341 pages, Hardback $33.50 Young Adult section.
Romance Novels
Two new books by Catherine Anderson are in - STAR BRIGHT' & 'MORNING LIGHT' and if you havent read any of these yet they are very romantic and full of family kin. Catherine Anderson has a great way of writing conversations between family members. $18.95 ea . Romance section.
NEW book for author Charlotte Bingham called 'THE ENCHANTED" - When Kathleen finds a mare in foal, she and her father take her in, even though they can barely afford to feed themselves. Tragically the mare dies, leaving an orphan which they name The Enchanted. $23.95 Romance section.
'DARK RIDER' & 'SHADOW RIDER' by Kathryn Dennis are great value at $13.95 ea in the Romance section. 'Dark Rider' - When Lady Eldswythe is summoned to tend the prize steeds of the dark and solitary Sir Robert Breton, she is not prepared for the powerful feeling he invokes in her. 'Shadow Rider' - Sybilla Corbuc has an uncommon understanding of the horses she cares for, but there are men who distrust such wisdom in women.
I havent read this one yet as it has only just come in - 'THE INHERITANCE' by Nina Bell - but its getting great reviews in the UK. Three sisters, one war correspondent, one an actress, and the third a champion Olympic horse woman, are all thrown together after their father's death. But it takes another death before they discover the real value of the Beaumont inheritance. $22.50 Drama section under Adults
DVDs - Television, Children, Movies & Documentaries
I got a set of these in for myself and ended up listing them just in case anyone was interested. Before I knew it they were one of my best-sellers. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who has such fond memories of the Ingalls family. Series 6, Volume 1 & 2 are out now of the fantastic family series 'LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE' $29.95 ea see DVDs TV Shows section.
Season 6 of 'ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL' is out and I know these aren't really horsey but the books and series about James Herriott an English country vet and his adventures in the Yorkshire countryside are so popular. Series 6 - $59.95 See DVDS TV shows section.
A lot of the Family movie DVDs that were not available for a while are back in such as 'WILD HEARTS CANT BE BROKEN', 'TWO BITS AND PEPPER', 'NATIONAL VELVET', 'NICO', 'THE LONG SHOT', and 'MY FRIEND FLICKA'. Some might be an INTERNATIONAL DVD. ALL-REGION PLAYER REQUIRED. Order now for shipping in approx 3 weeks. See DVD Movies, Family section.
In Adult movies we have a Mills and Boons Romance movie with horses in it called 'TREACHEROUS BEAUTIES' $5.95 DVD Movies, Adult section. A popular movie is 'MONTANA SKY' based on a novel by Nora Roberts. $14.95 DVD Movies, Adult section.
Two new documentaires one pictured here called 'LONDON HORSE PARADE' - This is the 36th event under the title of the 'London Horse Parade', and features over 250 exhibits. The parade is not a competition between entries. A standard is set by the judges and each exhibit reaching this standard receives a First Class Award. As long as the horse is properly groomed and well looked after, each turnout has an equal chance. $12.95 DVD documentary section.
Lastly a documentary called 'WILD HORSES: Return to China - Wind Chaser is the first wild stallion to lead a herd in China in 50 years, as scientists attempt to reintroduce the Prazewalski's horse back into the wild. Rarer than giant Pandas, this small robust horse must overcome severe challenges in order to secure the survival of their species. Follow the herd as they attempt to conquer all odds in this extraordinary drama of nature.
Computer Games
Just released is 'WILDLIFE PARK 2: HORSES' - PC DVD Game - Besides the farm management, the player also participates in stunning action adventures where special quests, are waiting to be solved on the back of your horse! The game is getting great reviews and is a little more adventure based than some of the others out there, so it will keep your brain active with plenty of problem solving.
'PONY LUV' - PC GAME at only $9.95 - Choose your pony breed and then care for it by feeding and grooming. You can also teach it tricks, enabling you to enter competitions and races. It's very cute for younger players.
A Best seller is the 'BARBIE HORSE ADVENTURES RIDING CAMP it comes in the different formats PC DVD, DS, Wii & PS2 - Embark on an amazing riding adventure! Train, race, and jump your horse as you compete in time trials and explore the countryside! At Riding Camp the fun never stops, so saddle up!
Go on Equitainment website and check out all the Computer Games lots of different formats and many have reviews on them.
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